When people think about Kyoto, they mostly picture themselves visiting famous shrines and temples that are deeply related to the history of Japan. However, if you want to enjoy the city from another perspective (and avoid the crowds!), we would highly recommend cycling.
You might not know it but Kyoto is surrounded by nature. The Kamogawa, the river crossing the city in its center, is a really relaxing spot. Everybody who lives in Kyoto enjoys spending time there, making it a true landmark of the city, just like any temple.
Here is an introduction of a few shops around Kamogawa that would help brighten your cycling trip! Why don't you bring some take-out and enjoy a meal while relaxing on the riverbank? Enjoying nature just like the locals do!
京都と言えば先ず、日本の歴史に深く関わりのある有名な神社仏閣巡りを想像されるのではないでしょうか? また違った京都を楽しみたいけど、人混みは避けたい…という方にはサイクリングがおすすめです!意外にも自然に囲まれた京都。街の中心に位置する鴨川は京都を代表する憩いのスポットです。

If you want to enjoy your coffee in an antique atmosphere in a renovated traditional house, that's a place for you! However, if the weather is good, don't miss their PICNIC BASKET. Perfect to take a well deserved break with coffee and sweets while enjoying the sound of the river. Awesome relaxing time ahead!
古い空き家を改装し、アンティークに囲まれたカフェ。落ち着いた雰囲気の店内でカフェメニューを頂くのも良いですが、サイクリング日和にはPICNIC BASKETがおすすめです!コーヒーとお菓子をもって河原で一休み。のんびり贅沢な時間を過ごせます。

They sell Take-Out Italian food but not only. You'll be able to buy very colorful and savoury lunch boxes. They even provide picnic sets with a table and chair rental service! So you can have a comfortable picnic wherever you want, even if you are empty-handed.

Photo by Nao for Tabizine
③Hitsuji(South of the Imperial Palace)
A donut shop with a relaxed atmosphere. The food is so delicious you won't be able to stop eating...But no need to feel guilty! They use natural yeast and germinated brown rice, therefore their food is easy on the body!

During winter, Kyoto can be pretty cold, therefore cycling around to warm you up and enjoy take-outs in nice spots isn't such a bad idea!
At the Millennials, we provide a (stylish) bike rental service by tokyobike. With us you'll be able to enjoy a comfortable ride around the city!